Honesty in sentencing
Honesty in sentencing
Honesty in sentencing
Honesty in sentencing

It is common that someone convicted of crime is not given a jail sentence after their first or second offence. But it may come as a surprise that some criminals are not sent to prison even after the tenth, hundredth or 700th offence.
Those who maintain that the Criminal Justice System is fair or even harsh cannot argue that prison sentences are unjustified after prolific offending with numerous cautions and convictions.
Knife crime has been soaring yet the sentences given are pathetically low.
This page will be getting updates with further worthy files, so keep checking back.
The highest number of previous offences committed resulting in a conviction or caution for those given immediate custody in the month ending March 2018 and 2019 (by gender)
The largest number of previous offences committed resulting in a conviction or caution for those sent to prison for the first time, March 2017 - 2019
The highest number of previous specified offences among offenders convicted of a specified offence before given an immediate custodial sentence, year end March 2019
The highest number of previous convictions of offenders convicted and sent to immediate custody for the first time, 2007 - 2018
The average number of previous offences committed resulting in a conviction or caution for those who were sentenced to immediate custody in the 12 months ending March 2019, by sentence length and gender
Average custodial sentence for knife crime by age group, year ending Sept 2017- 2019 and quarterly 2016 - 2019